Most Experts Say It’s VITAMIN D
(must use with VITAMIN K)
If you want to know what’s the best supplement you should take? Don’t underestimate this simple step. This should be on everyone’s supplement list. Most of the leading health experts say we actually need more Vitamin D than we’re told. So, if you’re asking “what’s the best supplement you should take?”, look at what most of the best health experts in the world have at least in their top three list. I’d also include MegaHydrate, but for now let’s focus on the most popular.
Have you ever really thought about why basking in the sunlight feels so good? Besides the warmth factor, our life, all life depends on it in various ways. For us humans, one of the most important benefits (beyond more esoteric reasons I won’t go into here) is the production of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D may be misnamed. It is actually much more than a vitamin. It functions as a hormone, a chemical messenger with widespread effects in the human body. Many proper bodily functions depend on it. No other substance known activates your good genes as effectively.

image source: (looks like a great vacation!)
It’s so crucial to our health that our bodies are designed to create it themselves. Our body converts sunlight through the cholesterol in our skin into Vitamin D. The problem is, unless you live near the equator with most ALL of your body exposed, you’re probably deficient. Despite the fact that most of us just don’t have the lifestyle to make this possible, you would be wise to try to use the sun as your primary source of Vitamin D because of all the co-factors this provides.
You might be surprised however, that the latest research shows that we should be out in the sun MID-DAY, and WITHOUT sunscreen for best Vitamin D production. I know, this is the opposite of what the Health Care Industry suggests. Sunscreen will actually block your skin’s production of Vitamin D. The protection from UV and burning might be better coming from your diet, and not chemicals you put on your skin. You still need to be cautious if you don’t eat well, health is compromised, or you’re just beginning with this.
Try experimenting with coconut oil, neem oil, avocado oil, or other natural sun protectants and nourishing ingredients that won’t block the skin’s ability to take-in and convert sunlight to vitamin D. The best foods to eat for UV protection are darker pigments like reds, greens, blues, purples, and especially blacks. Astaxanthin is another excellent food source for many health benefits besides UV prtoetion. You can use a hat, or zinc based products for your face as it has thinner skin and is more prone to burning. If you’re out for an extended period of time, you’re better off covering up. A great resource for the healthiest sunscreens is Environmental
Another wise reminder is to not put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t put in your mouth. What you put on your skin, gets absorbed by the skin, bypasses your natural filter (your liver), and goes directly into your bloodstream.
Vitamin D is also very important for optimal bone, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and immune health. It’s one of the most essential nutrients we need. It is believed to activate more of or good genes than any other substance.
Be sure your supplement says it’s the D3 form, and not the synthetic D2 version (like that added to milk).
It is important to always take Vitamin K2 with D3, otherwise D3 can’t be utilized by the cells. Both Vitamin D3 and Calcium create a higher demand for K2 proteins, so you don’t want to be deficient. Think of K2 as the guide (The second highest mountain in the world is K2, located in the Himalayas. So, thinking of a mountain guide will be easy). K2 guides the D3 and Calcium to where they need to go, and away from areas they don’t. It can even redirect excess calcium in joints and arteries for example back where it should be, kinda like a sherpa picking up lost trekkers to get them down the mountain. Have no fear, according to one of the world’s leading experts Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, you can’t overdose on K2, It’s self-regulating.
Although it may be more economical in the long run to purchase these vitamins separately, you can find them bottled together. Whether you choose cost, or convenience, it is still advised to take them together.
Suggested Dosage:
Vitamin D3 comes in different forms and amounts. You can find pills, drops, and sprays.
Many of the best sources suggest 5,000-8,000iu /day for adults, more if you’re fighting a disease. It really depends on your normal levels. You can always get your blood tested to see how deficient you initially are. Experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola, recommend that ideally, an adult’s blood level of Vitamin D (25(OH)D) should be 50-70ng/ml.
Natural Sources Include:
- Sunlight – Sunlight on bare skin is the best source. Eat naturally black, purple, and blue food to protect you from ultra-violet light. Sunscreen blocks your ability to make Vitamin D. Sun exposure also needs to be at the sun’s peak in the day.
- Wild Salmon or Trout – Don’t eat farmed fish, which are fed GMOs and artificial astaxanthin.
- Eggs – from pasture raised, organic-fed chickens
Vitamin D Benefits:
- What’s the best supplement you should take
- One of the most essential nutrients you need
- Turns on more of your good genes than any other nutrient
- Thousands of beneficial effects
- Critical for your cardiovascular health
- Critical for your bone and joint health
- Critical for your neuromuscular health
- Critical for your brain health
- Critical for your optimal happiness and wellbeing
- Critical for your immune system
For more expert advice on what’s the best supplement you should take, Vitamin D, check out the extensive number of articles by Dr. Joseph Mercola. For some of the best information on Vitamin K2, check out Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, author of Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox.
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